Thursday 31 January 2013

The Creator Character Bio

Physical Appearance
The Creator is an old human man, about 55-60 years old.  He should be fairly short, about 5ft.
He has white hair and can be balding at the top. He is often wearing techy safety goggles as he for the vast majority of his time is working on building things. He should be greasy and grimy and be quite unkempt in general due to his obsession with his work. He rarely places importance on something like hygiene, his work is too important.
One of his legs is damage from the crash. He has either salvaged some sort of existing medical leg brace or crafted on from spare parts himself.

The creator has always been very focused and enthusiastic about his work but years of isolation and obsession, ridicule and negativity from the towns inhabitants have left him somewhat bitter and grouchy. He does, however, show some affection towards his robots Rob and Six. They are almost like replacement children to him. Especially Rob who was constructed to help the creator with intricate engineering tasks and so works very closely with him. He is very determined and won't accept defeat. He will try everything to achieve his goal. Its in his nature as a builder and a problem solver.
He served as an engineer on the crashed ship. It was his first long term space flight and he left his wife and son behind to take the job. One of the few surviving engineers from the crash he has helped everyone settle into new homes by salvaging what they could from the wreckage but he never gave up on the idea of returning to his family on Earth. His sole motivation in life now is to somehow regain contact.
Relationship to Rob
He named Rob after his son Robert and has transferred some emotional attachment from that relationship to Rob.
He teaches Rob what he knows of engineering and is happy that Rob seems to understand and take interest and initiative.
Relationship to Six
Six for all intents and purposes was not suitable for all the creators needs. He was a simple robot built for heavy lifting and was not able or unwilling to grasp the intricacies of the creators further work thus prompting the creator to build Rob. There is still a part of the creator that looks on Six as a child but his obsession with his work takes his attention mostly. As the years go on the creator grows closer to Rob and more distant to Six.

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