Thursday 31 January 2013

Rob Character Bio

Physical Appearance
Rob is a slim robot. Very much more human in build and scale than Six. He is slightly taller  than the creator maybe around 5'5 but not imposing or intimidating at all. Rob is technically better constructed than Six. Where Six is created from scrap and has rusted plates nailed on with pipes and tubes freely exposed, Rob is more streamlined efficent and built with slightly better salvage, although he does still have large areas of damaged metal plates where no other suitabel scrap could be found.
He should have a simple look about him. He should not look malicious at all. More innocent, newborn, inquisitive, curious. He also should not look cold or emotionless.
There should be a panel in his chest that can open easily for access to his inner workings and battery cell.

Rob is content with his role helping the creator. He is happy where he is and learnign all he can about building and the world around him. He is curious loyal and reliable but also has through reading and learning fromt he creator strong morals. He is by nature peaceful and has no desire for conflict or anquish but at the same time will not shy away from doing what needs to be done even though he will find coming to that conclusion difficult and will question whether he is doing the right thing after all. He will exhibit courage and integrity.
Rob was built from scrap and salvage by the creator a few years after the crash happened and about 1 year after Six was constructed. His computer core is salvaged from some generic ship AI device. But was basically a blank slate. He has spent the years at the site working with the creator towards the creators goal of creating an communication unit capable of regaining contact with Earth. He has spent the time learning all he could about humanity and civilisation from data logs and the creator as well as learning all he can about the creators engineering work.
Reltionship to the creator
While the creator sees Rob as his son in some respects Rob will more look to the creator as a "god" or role model. With all he has learned about humanity from his readings and his time spent with the creator he is sympathetic to his goal and happy to do anything he can to help the creator achieve it. When the creator is murdered by Six, Rob is sad but also realises that theres no going back and the only thing to do is to stop Six from killing anyone else by killing him.
Relationship to Six
Rob and Six were close in the early years as Six was keen to tech Rob what he knows in the same way the creator was teaching him. Rob however was more intrigued by knowledge and creativity than by shooting or manual work. There was a natural divergance of their paths to which both Six and Rob had different reactions too. Where Six is hurt and resentful about this Rob accepts that they just have different views and interests. Assuming Six mostly thinks the same way he is surprised at Six' eventual decline to madness and his actions that follow.

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