Monday 28 January 2013

Script First Draft

What it says on the tin.

The Divided
Gary Welsh
INT - Workshop - Afternoon
Fade In
Black screen, flickers to a view of a room. It's the creators workshop. We are looking through the eyes of Rob, a sentient robot and our protaganist. There's a heads-up display over-layed on the screen. A warning about backup power running and running low flashes on and off in one corner and the screen occasionally has a garbled flicker as he looks around the environment.

Cut to
We cut to an external view, looking down at the robot. He is slumped against a wal. The doorway of the workshop is on his right. There is a largish hole in his chest plate where he has been shot. He looks down at the wound then moves his hand to it.
Cut to
He looks to his right and we cut to his POV and can see outside through the doorway into a yard.
The shot pans counter clockwise as he looks to his left. The pan stops when he focuses on a human foot showing from behind a work desk.
Cut to
Cut to a shot from behind the workdesk looking up. Rob walks into the shot and is looking down.
Cut to
Cut to POV shot. We see an old man. Dead from a gunshot wound to the chest. This is the creator. The man who ran the scrapyard and who build Rob and Six.
The screen flickers and when it stabilises we are no longer in the present. We are seeing a memory or flashback like a recalled video log file of Robs where the creator is very close over Rob with a tool in one hand obviously working on him making some kind of repairs or adjustments. The creator pulls back a little and smiles.
Cut to
The garbled distortion happens again. This time we are still in a flashback but it is a recollection of Six standing over the creator with a smoking gun. He looks up at Rob, turns the gun on him slowly and fires.
Cut to
Cut back to the present. Rob looks to one side and picks up a photo/digital display that shows the creator, Rob and Six together as a family photograph almost.
EXT - Scrapyard - Early Evening
Fade to
Fade to Rob burying the creator outside. It's an aerial view.
Cut to
Then we can cut to a closer view, midshot of Rob standing over the grave. He puts a hat on
Cut to
Another flashback. This time the creator is putting his hat on Rob. Six is looking left out in the background.
Cut to
Rob looks towards the town.
Cut to
A shot of the town in the distance. Its a few miles from the crash site/scrapyard
Cut to
Flickering then a flashback. Rob POV. He is standing in the yard and Six is just standing staring at the town. Six slowly turns his head to look at Rob, then turns back. Rob follows his view to the town.
EXT - Plains - Evening
Fade to
Rob walking across an expanse. The scrapyard is now pretty small in the background. 
Cut to
POV shot where the power level is now much lower in Robs HUD. He doesnt have long left.
EXT - The Settlement - Dusk
Fade to
Rob walking into the settlement. He pauses in the middle of the street and looks around. We see the trail of death that Six has left.
Cut to
Shot of the salloon. Theres a trail of blood leading to the salloon.
Cut to
Close on Robs eyes.
Cut to
Salloon interior. Shot of the door. It opens and Rob steps inside.
Cut to
Six. Sitting on the stage. Corpses of town inhabitants litter the background.
Cut to
Closeup shot on Six' eyes. They flicker to life.
Cut to
Shot behind Rob. Six is visible in the background.  Six stands and is shrouded in shadow with highlights gleaming off one side of him from the windows and his eyes.
Cut to
Close on Six again as he utters a mechanical electronic shrill laugh.
Tension builds with cuts and the music builds up as they prepare to draw. Followed by very fast cuts as they both draw their weapons and fire.
Cut to
Shot of the floor. Rob falls dead into the shot. His eyes looking just above our camera position.
Cut to
Close on his eyes as the flicker off.
Cut to
Six. Mid shot. He lets off another mechanical laugh but his eyes flicker. He looks down and the camera tracks down as he does and we can see a large hole in his chest plate where he has been shot too. His power cell is off from the damage and he slumps to his knees. His eyes flicker off slowly.
Cut to 
a profile view. 2 shot showing both of the robots pwoered down.
Fade out.

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