Thursday 31 January 2013

Six Character Bio

Physical Appearance
Large brutish looking robot. he has a disjointed face and a hunchback. Much lrger than any human. Close to around 7 ft.
Six is a crude construction. Built primarily for heavy lifting and to assist the creator and survivors in building the new settlement.
His body is constructed from rusted damaged salvaged metal plates. He is crudely built with only basic resemblance to humnan anatomy. His arms and legs are tubes with pistons powering them. He also has a compartment in his torso that allows easy access to his inner workings.

Six is simplistic in his world view. He has a very childlike grasp on conplex questions that leads him to act in rash absolute ways. He is made from similar AI as rob but clearly not as advanced. Six in his early years enjoyed his tasks and learning but soon felt obsolete and left out when the cretors attetion turned to other matters. Six drew conclusions from this that made him bitter and and angry. He sees the world in black and white. He cant understand the creators  obsession and sees it as pure rejection.  Left to his own devices he draws his own conclusions about life and death relying on his cold computerised logic.
Six was created to do the heavy lifting around the yard as the creator with his damaged leg was restricted in this area. For the first year of his existance his work was plentiful as he was required in helping the townsfolk set up what they could in the way of a settlement to live in from the salvage of the crashed ship. As this work dried up and the creators goals turned towards building a communications unit capable of contacting Earth six became rather obsolete. He was unable to grasp the intricacies of the creators enginering and building work.
His last real task beyong the occasional lifting of heavy salvage was to assist in building Rob.
Reltionship to the creator
He looks to the creator like a father and is disappointed when the creator doesnt reciprocate that relationship. When the creators attentions turn to his new project of contacting earth Six is at a loss and spends his days on his own doing nothing. He starts to harbour resentment towards the creator and Rob.
Relationship to Rob
Six has a very different view of his relationship with Rob. Having had a hand in creating him he feels an attachment to Rob that again is not reciprocated. He is disappointed when Rob takes more of an interest in learning from the creator where he was not able to. He feels rejected and abandonded by Rob and the creator respectively.

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