Sunday 29 September 2013

Rob HUD overlay work

Been long past the time where this should have been sorted. Have been trying to tighten up the animatic for this weeks peer review. 

Here's how it'll look on Wednesday likely but may well be further changes beyond then.

Rob Metal Shader Test

Used mia_material_x with some fractal and noise for bump.

Saturday 28 September 2013

The Creator so far

 I have been modelling the Creator and this is the stage I am at so far. He is pretty much just needing the final touches before I sculpt him in Mudbox to get all those old man wrinkles in. The hair on his head and face are just place holders just now until we get the maya hair on him. I am really happy with how he is going so far and can not wait to rig and animate him.

Six edit and rig so far

I had to make some minor edits to the Six model from the original. I moved the front tube so it inserts straight into his face to make it different to the other side. I also had to re-model the front panel so the battery had a place to sit at the front. I have also started to rig the model. Sometimes with Robots you can rig them by just parenting the geometry correctly but for the pipes to move correctly with the body I had to use bones. Setting up the pipes was a bit tricky as they liked to be erratic depending on the way you parent the components together. I still have to set up set driven keys for the pistons and and the controllers then it should be ready for testing.

Friday 27 September 2013

Meet Rob and Six

Colour Scripts

These are just tiny little paintings describing the tone and light direction or each shot.

This should drastically help she it comes to light each scene and should help the film feel consistent.

Monday 23 September 2013

Even More Bug Texturing!

Discarded the harlequin paint shader for the shell. Just wasn't giving me the look I wanted and was quite restricted in what you could do with it.

Still a bit dark but I'm happier with the highlights and general look now. Maybe some last tweaks later on and it'll be done.

Saturday 21 September 2013

More Bug Texturing

Swapped over to mia materials. Much nicer look but worried about render times. We'll need to do some tests before committing to this. Also discovered that final gather is really boosting the colours on the shell. It's quite hideous with it on. The more muted one is with FG off.

Friday 20 September 2013

Bug Textures

Sculpted a wee bit over Jacks model and textured using mudbox and photoshop. Might change it a bit more depending how it looks in some environments.

Here're some shots of the sculpt before textures:

Sunday 15 September 2013

Bug UVs

UV's for the bug. Will test some textures on it in the coming days and make sure it's going to work ok.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Hard VS Smooth

 This is a test to see what works better, Smooth Shading or Hard Shading .



Modeled by Gary Spiers 

Monday 9 September 2013

Workshop Exterior Concept Sketch

Something we neglected to do concept work for last semester. Workshop exterior design.


Couple of extra shots.