Thursday 28 February 2013

Insect Concept

I've changed some of the features of the bug after yesterdays production meeting and discussion

Saturday 23 February 2013

Rob Colour Concept

A colour concept for Rob I quite like it but I am sure he will go through some more changes before we have the final Rob design.

Animatic 002

Second go at the animatic. Quite a few changes. Definitely think it is clearer and easier to follow. The big test will be on monday at the peer review :)

Thursday 21 February 2013

Wednesday 20 February 2013


Really liked Gary's initial concept for the inside of the workshop, with that i decided to add some back light to a few of the objects to add detail and make them more achievable for modelling !
 Next stop would be to take a few objects from the shot and draw them up in a more accurate, descriptive way ! ...any takers ?

Another Creator Concept

After a meeting the other Thursday we took notes on the character designs about what we liked and thoughts on where to take the creators design. This is just one concept from after these notes. I like it but I will do more too.

Friday 15 February 2013

Thursday 14 February 2013

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Crashed Ship Concept

Still thinking about how the ship and crash site should look. Here's another attempt minus the scrapyard.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Creator Sketches

Totally got his face wrong though I kind of like number 3's head. Probably not scruffy enough. 

Pogo stick robot foot is epic though! Complete accident.