Tuesday 13 November 2012


The Divided
Gary Welsh

EXT. Open plains on a distant world

Dolly In
Establishing Shot

Aerial view of the plains. The plains are littered with rocks, sand and earth. In the distant background we can make out unusual, "alien" rock formations. At the top left of the shot we can see 5 much larger rocks protruding from the ground like fingers. In the centre of their grasp is a small town.

Dissolve To

Extreme Close Up

Track Up
VFX: Depth of Field focusing on the hand in the foreground

Close on a hand of a corpse. The arm leads back to the left of the screen where we can see part of the torso and barely make out a chin. The corpse is dressed in dirty worn clothing. The hand is covered in dirt or much.

VFX: Depth of Field shifts to the bird

Track Up

On the top of the corpse is a creature native to the planet. It's some sort of scavenging, scaly birdlike creature.The creature rears its head from snacking on the corpse lets out a screech and flies off. In the background we can see blurred by depth of field focus, the town and town sign.

VFX: Depth of Field shifts to focus on the background

We can see the town and sign clearly now. The sign reads "Welcome to New Eden". The sign looks very old and weather worn.

Dissolve To
Medium Shot

Dolly In

The start of the town main street. It curves round to the right so that we can't yet see the end of the street. It looks deserted. There are traces of damage. Broken windows, buildings and flickering lights.

Dissolve To
Medium Shot

Track Left to Right

View of one of the buildings in the street. Something horrible has quite obviously happened here. The window is smashed, there are blast marks on the sides of the building. One of the doors is damaged and the other slides back and forth relentlessly, jammed and prevented from closing by the other mishapen door and the leg of a human body protruding through the gap. There's blood around where the body lies.

Further along the shot we can see another dead body barely as an arm hangs over the edge of a roof, blood dripping down the wall from under it.

Dissolve To
Long Shot

Dolly In

The salloon. As with all the other buildings, the lights are flickering and it has damage from weapons discharge on the walls. Some of the windows are broken and there is blood on the walls and a couple of corpses draped around.

Dissolve To

Meduim Shot

Dolly In

Closer on the salloon door. One of the door windows is broken. Its dark inside. Too Dark to see any detail. just a murky blue from some small interior lights and the night sky

Dissolve To

INT Salloon

Inside the salloon. There are a few flickering lights. It's very dusty and dark, with only the small light from the flickering and faint blue light from through the windows. It's very ominouisly lit.

Long Shot

Dolly In

Shadowy figure sits on the stage in the centre of the shot. The camera moves towards him.

Dissolve To

Close Up

Dolly In

Closeup on the figure now. We can see from some light gleaming off the body between patches of rust and the general shape that its not a human but a large hulking robotic figure.The head turns up slowly then the eyes flick to life suddenly.

Cut to Black


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