Thursday 4 October 2012


The following is the treatment for our 30 second animated short film. We have decided to 

make a teaser for a potential 4th year film project.

The Divided
Gwelsh 051012

The film opens on an establishing shot of a small, isolated town in the middle of a 
barren wasteland. Around the town, large finger shaped rocks protrude from the ground. 
We slow dissolve to a closer view of the town. In  the forground an alien bird looking 
scavenger tears flesh from a rotting corpse. The focus shifts to the background as the 
creature flies off. We can see some details in the buildings that make it clear that 
these buildings of the future are damaged. Smoke and flickering neon lights grab our 
attention. We dissolve forward moving through the town. At each dissolve we beging to 
see what looks like a trail of carnage. Corpses and weapons damage lead the eye to a 
large building at the end of the "street". The camera continues to move forward through 
a broken window at the door of the large building. Inside there is no light save what 
comes from the moon through some windows. at a stage beyond a run down damaged bar we can see a large hulking shape. It looks like a man sitting but larger. As we move closer 
we can see its made of scrap rusted bits of metal. The eyes flicker to life and the head 
moves up to look us in the eye. 

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