Tuesday 30 October 2012

Outhouse Light Corrected

Fixed the outdoor light using Gary Welsh's method ! looking much better !


The revolver probably still needs some tweaking especially in the texturing section, however as it wont be used in any particular close ups, it is more than useable for the purposes of this animation, fixes shall be made if it turns out we have some extra time !

Monday 29 October 2012

Town Layout Update

An update to the town layout. It is has some more buildings helping it seem more populated.


Just wee details and hopefully easy things to add now. Some wierd banding thing happening on some of the textures and shadows. Hopefully next weeks maya class on rendering will help there.

Robot Texture Test

A quick texture test I made to check the UVs were working. Forgive the lighting, it's pretty poor.

Sunday 28 October 2012

Hand Finished

This is as good as I can get it for now. There's some problems with the mesh that I missed before taking it into mudbox that I don't have time to work out how to fix for now :/ 

With some clever posing we can hide those for the required shot anyway, plus its a still shot so we wont have to worry about large movements.

Saturday 27 October 2012

OutHouse Texturing

Admittedly the front light hasn't turned out quite how i would have liked (need to get gary welsh to show me his method) however I'm quite pleased with the overall look.